


Most Popular Questions

We help you see the world differently, discover opportunities you may never have imagined and achieve results that bridge what is with what can be.

In what areas do you provide management consulting?

Our associate consultants specialize in a range of business areas. These include strategic planning, issues resolution, culture assessment, board effectiveness, retention strategies.

In which countries do you provide consulting services?

Our associate consultants specialize in a range of business areas. These include strategic planning, issues resolution, culture assessment, board effectiveness, retention strategies.

How is a consulting project started and organized?

Our associate consultants specialize in a range of business areas. These include strategic planning, issues resolution, culture assessment, board effectiveness, retention strategies.

Do you do fixed price or time and materials contracts?

Our associate consultants specialize in a range of business areas. These include strategic planning, issues resolution, culture assessment, board effectiveness, retention strategies.

Do you offer volume or loyalty discounts?

In healthy companies, changing directions or launching new projects means combining underlying strengths and capacities with new energy and support.

What problems does business consulting typically solve?

In healthy companies, changing directions or launching new projects means combining underlying strengths and capacities with new energy and support.

How is the scope of a consulting project determined?

In healthy companies, changing directions or launching new projects means combining underlying strengths and capacities with new energy and support.

How long does a business consulting project last?

In healthy companies, changing directions or launching new projects means combining underlying strengths and capacities with new energy and support.

Looking for a First-Class Finance Firm?

We welcome and celebrate different perspectives to help our firm, our clients and our people.

flexible pricing plans

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In healthy companies, changing directions or launching new projects means combining underlying strengths and capacities with new.

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basic plan

$ 69


Discover the emerging technologies most relevant to your strategy by working.
  • Support Your Business
  • Revoke Dokument Access
  • Detailed Risk Profiling
  • Enter Unlimited Bils
  • Bank Transactions
  • Financial Strategy
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pro plan

$ 89


Discover the emerging technologies most relevant to your strategy by working.
  • Support Your Business
  • Revoke Dokument Access
  • Detailed Risk Profiling
  • Enter Unlimited Bils
  • Bank Transactions
  • Financial Strategy
Choose Plane
basic plan

$ 699


Discover the emerging technologies most relevant to your strategy by working.
  • Support Your Business
  • Revoke Dokument Access
  • Detailed Risk Profiling
  • Enter Unlimited Bils
  • Bank Transactions
  • Financial Strategy
Choose Plane
pro plan

$ 899


Discover the emerging technologies most relevant to your strategy by working.
  • Support Your Business
  • Revoke Dokument Access
  • Detailed Risk Profiling
  • Enter Unlimited Bils
  • Bank Transactions
  • Financial Strategy
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Dowiedz się na co zwrócić uwagę wybierająć system ERP do swojej firmy

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Sprawdzony system obiegu dokumentów

W Symfonia eDokumenty znajdziesz sprawdzone przez tysiące użytkowników schematy obiegu dokumentów.

  • Uporządkuj pisma, emaile, faktury, umowy i wszelkie dokumenty i pliki wymagające archiwizacji.
  • Wybierz i zainstaluj gotowe, bogate w funkcjonalność aplikacje do cyfryzacji popularnych procesów.
  • Skorzystaj ze sprawdzonych zasad przetwarzania informacji i dokumentów w firmie.


Firma z branży elektronika

Case study z branży #Handel Komu pomogliśmy? Klient zajmujący się sprzedażą użytkowej elektroniki oraz różnego rodzaju akcesoriami dziecięcymi. Swoje produkty importuje głównie z Chin, a

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Firma z branży przetwórstwa

Case study z branży #Finanse i Księgowość Komu pomogliśmy? Naszym klientem jest polski oddział irlandzkiej firmy, zajmującej się rozbiorem bydła i sprzedażą poszczególnych część tuszy

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Chcesz wdrożyć system Symfonia ERP?

Masz pytania dotyczące wdrożenia ERP, optymalizacji procesów lub dostosowania rozwiązań IT do potrzeb Twojej firmy? Skontaktuj się z nami! Pomożemy Ci znaleźć idealne rozwiązanie.

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